As winter moves out, Spring is starting to come into view. At Green Gorilla™, when it comes to Spring we think of new green growth, gardening, warmer days, reorganization, and house cleaning. As you go through your cleaning list, take some time to do mental Spring cleaning. Take time out for yourself to get set up for a great rest of the year.
It Starts with Love
The most significant part of mental Spring cleaning is getting down to the roots and growing your health and wellness upwards. It all starts with love. To clean out your mental clutter and add new perspectives, start loving yourself to the fullest.
Let’s be honest; we all have unloved pieces of ourselves. In this area of your health and wellness, it’s crucial to find peace in your mind and love all of you. Green Gorilla™ is here to support your journey of overall health and wellness with a variety of organic CBD products. Start loving all of you now with these five Green Gorilla™ Spring mental health tips!
1. Meditation
You can start your mental Spring cleaning by taking time each day to sit, relax, and meditate on who you are and who you want to become. Meditation is not meant to clear out all the things in your brain. This is a time for exploring what you do and don’t like about yourself and how you want to change it. You have to recognize the amazing parts of you and build on those to redefine the weaker areas.
At Green Gorilla™, we know how hard it is to get our minds in a relaxed state with all the things happening around us. We offer Relax CBD capsules to help people relieve the tension from daily stress and gain more clarity. Get some great music, incense, sit down, and have a self conversation about who you will become.
2. Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is the foundation of your mental Spring cleaning and focuses on learning how to regulate your emotions and reactions to situations. Learn techniques to identify the areas in life where you get extra tense, stressed, or angry. As you meditate, you will begin to see areas of your personality that you would like to change. The more aware you become of yourself, the easier it will be to figure out how to change the parts you aren’t fond of.
Green Gorilla™ realizes the work it takes to balance all your emotions and physical responses in life. Our Balance CBD capsules are a great additive to help support a balanced approach to your mental Spring cleaning health and wellness. As you learn new life lessons, you’ll be able to become free of emotional disarray and respond in a more positive and calmer way.
3. Goals
Now that you have meditated on your new mental Spring cleaning journey, gained some self-awareness and calmer thinking techniques, it’s time to set goals. Set goals that are achievable and stay within your limits of self-regulation. This Spring mental health tip is critical because it allows you to start making future plans to continue on your mental health and wellness journey. As you start reaching those goals, don’t forget to congratulate yourself–no matter the size of the goal!
4. Exercise
We all know that exercise is a huge part of mental health and wellness. As you work through your mental Spring cleaning, add a good exercise routine to your list of goals. It doesn’t mean that you need to climb mountains at the end, but find time and set goals that allow you to exercise your body. You release positive vibes and hormones into your brain through exercising–perfect for helping you stay mentally healthy.
Set a three-week exercise goal to begin building an exercise habit and consider adding in a CBD supplement to help with those sore muscles. We grow and create our oils with the finest organic ingredients to help support you in achieving maximum health benefits. As you start your three-week habit-changing exercise routine, you’ll notice a difference in your level of activeness.
5. Food
Our list of Spring mental health tips wouldn’t be complete without talking about food. Healthy eating is a huge component of overall healthy living. Find your favorite healthy foods, start there, and build upon them. During your mental Spring cleaning, clear out space for a new and improved palate of flavor from Green Gorilla™.
At Green Gorilla™ we love food! Not only do we make the supplement to go in it, but we also offer you tasty recipes to pair with it. Our chefs work diligently to provide you with excellent new recipes to use with your CBD oils. Infuse your drinks, salads, and more with our delicious CBD oils and start noticing a fresh taste to your health and wellness.
Share the New Love
Our Spring mental health tips are a great way to start looking into your future with brighter eyes. Goals and meditations build the perfect foundation for re-learning to love you. Implementing healthy exercise and foods into your routine keeps the love growing.
On your mental health journey with Green Gorilla’s™ top-quality CBD oils, you’ll be sure to notice the difference. Our farm-to-shelf organic ingredients make it easy for you to infuse your life with better health and wellness.
As you love yourself, you’ll reflect that love onto others. That’s why we offer a gift bundle! You can share your new love of Green Gorilla™ CBD oils with friends and family and keep the mental Spring cleaning going!