You may have heard about CBD in sports popping up in the news in recent years. A growing number of casual athletes, along with many professionals, are choosing to supplement with CBD. The International Olympic Committee has recently removed CBD from its list of banned substances, and the NHL is even testing CBD’s benefits on its athletes.
You may wonder why CBD for athletes is so popular, and what benefits it could add to your fitness regimen. Learn about these five incredible CBD benefits for athletes and get inspired to incorporate CBD into your own fitness regimen.
1. It Can Act as All-Natural Soreness Relief
Building strength and endurance hurts, and it’s never easy. For many athletes, such as bodybuilders constantly pushing their muscles to the brink, a solution for soreness is a daily necessity.
CBD helps regulate the neurological sensations that create soreness, allowing for intense relief. Athletes have been using cannabis for soreness relief for decades, but the psychoactive effects caused by THC are banned in many professional sports associations. THC-free CBD in sports is rapidly becoming more accepted, and many pros in the NFL, MLB, NHA, NBA, and more actively advocate for CBD’s benefits for athletes.
2. It Helps Support Injury Recovery and Prevention
Injuries are inevitable in the life of an athlete, no matter how careful you are. Even muscle soreness is a type of injury—it’s caused by microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. Athletes with chronic injuries and constant discomfort, especially in contact sports like football, are always looking for ways to speed up recovery and get back in the game.
CBD for athletes helps support your immune system, allowing you to speed up your recovery and restore your natural rhythm. It helps support your overall functions so that your cells can regenerate at their optimal speed after you’ve sustained an injury. Additionally, a bolstered immune system helps protect your body from future injury and further damage.
This doesn’t just help current athletes. Former athletes who have sustained a debilitating injury often have to deal with nagging discomfort for the rest of their lives—for instance, if they have a spinal injury or an over-stressed joint. These former athletes can take great comfort in the soothing relief CBD offers.
3. It Helps Relieve Stress
As an athlete, the day of the big game is stressful. Live recordings, screaming crowds, and championship glory on the line all add to the overwhelming pressure. Even for just casual athletes, moments like tryouts, races, and contests can make you so stressed that you underperform.
CBD for athletes is excellent for relieving these constant stressors. CBD is known for easing the mind into a state of peace and calm. It can help you think rationally, react appropriately, and stop blowing events out of proportion—making it perfect for game day.
4. It Contains Non-drowsy Sleep-Aid Properties
Plenty of athletes struggle with restful sleep due to constant soreness, stress, or a demanding lifestyle. Many sleep aids are effective at helping you sleep, but not much else, and they leave you feeling sluggish and drained when you wake up.
CBD for athletes doesn’t work that way. Its primary effect is not to force your body into an unnatural sleep, but instead to balance the overall circadian rhythms that help you fall asleep and stay awake. CBD activates your body’s natural endocannabinoid system, a full-body array of neurons that helps regulate many of your body’s functions and reactions.
CBD can also target the root causes preventing restful sleep. The aforementioned CBD benefits for athletes—particularly soreness and stress relief—can also work in tandem to ease you into an ache-free sleep.
5. It Helps Stimulate Your Appetite
As an athlete, your body constantly needs to stay at peak performance. That doesn’t just include regular training and sleeping well—it has a lot to do with your diet and nutrition.
One of CBD’s benefits for athletes is helping to regulate your appetite. Constantly pushing your body to its limits can confuse your body’s natural appetite. When you’re trying to build muscle, you need to increase your calorie intake beyond your body’s natural cravings, and it can be hard to maintain the diet you need to put on muscle mass without those natural cues.
CBD doesn’t have as extreme of an appetite-stimulating effect as THC (in case you’re thinking the effect is like the “munchies”). Instead, CBD promotes overall balance and support, leading you towards making the healthiest choices for your goals.
Choosing the Best CBD for Athletes
Science is heavily in favor of CBD for athletes, and its popularity is growing at an astounding rate. New CBD benefits for athletes are discovered all the time since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp and its byproducts. Don’t be surprised if you hear more about CBD in sports news during the coming years.
No matter what you use CBD for, you must ensure you purchase it from a trusted source. CBD is not regulated by the FDA, so manufacturers eager to hop on the trend use pesticides on their crops and harsh chemicals for cheap CBD extraction. Not only that, but they can make false claims on their labels.
Green Gorilla™ was the first USDA Certified Organic hemp CBD brand in the country, and our quality is tried and tested. We manufacture our hemp in GMP-certified facilities and undergo strict third-party lab testing on all of our products. If you want to discover CBD benefits for athletes for yourself, don’t settle for less than our uncompromising quality. Shop here.